Windows Vista Source Code
Haha, for the first time I'm glad that I learnt programming in NUS SoC. It makes me understand what this picture is talking about n it's such a good laugh at Windows Vista. A source code is basically a set of instructions in a program that the computer has to carry out. Can you interpret what it's trying to say?
There's news that a new Windows Operating System called
WINDOWS 7 will be released next year summer. Well, it simply shows that Vista is such a failure that Microsoft has to act quick to release another improved version. Anybody remembers the flop
Windows Millennium Edition that was released in year 2000 to succeed Windows 98? Nvm if you don't remember, cos its lifespan was only one short year before Windows XP arrived in late 2001.
Seriously, after taking a long 5years, the longest in between the release of 2 Operating Systems, all Microsoft could conjure is a flop like Windows Vista. Disappointing isn't it? N the worse thing of all, they're trying to force consumers into buying Vista by stop selling XP licenses to PC vendors as well as pulling the plug on software security updates/fixes associated with XP.
If there's another Operating System producer in the market as "good" as Microsoft, I would definitely dump Windows. But sadly, there isn't. Mac OS is nice, but it's not compatible with lots of softwares. Linus Ubuntu is acceptable, but it's still not as user friendly. This is what happen when monopoly occurs. At least I'm glad that in the processor chip market, Intel has a good competitor in AMD, or you can bet your ass computers will be HELL lot more expensive than it is today.
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