Alright, the desktop is back n alive, functioning well like before. Therefore, I shall fill u guys wif lots of blogposts n fotos in the next few days.
First up, convocation! I graduated last yr but was too late to attend the ceremony, so i had to wait till this yr in order to haf mine! Once in a lifetime experience, though it's quite a hassle, i guess it's all worth it.
Academic dress, finally
in the auditorium
After the ceremony, foto taking time! N since my batch of coursemates had already convocated, i'm left wif only a few frens to take fotos wif. Couldn't spot them in the crowd n so i only haf myself then. This is a good stunt, cos nobody dared to come near, i had almost the full "I WAS HERE" all to myself for a good 5min muahahaha
after graduation, how high can i go?
blood n sweat, sleepless nights, stressful days
at one point of time, it actually seemed almost impossible to get here. Alas, i did it.
the end of things, the end of NUS' association with me
a big meal treat for the family!!
dad chose the branch at changi, right beside the changi airport runway.
pork ribs
erhem, fins
fried rice
Sea bass
a studio shot
the end of a chapter in my life, NUS 2006-2010
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