Some photos to upload n share. Life is more or less mundane..
4th June, Saturdaydinner at Ichiban Boshi after X-Men:First Class, a pretty gd movie
first time here
her meal
raw egg
beef strips
my meal set
she on her fone, me on my camera
the public created an uproar when a newly launched DBSS, Centrale 8, at Tampines had its most expensive unit selling at a record breaking high price of S$880k. This is by far the most expensive HDB flat being sold in history.
It was crazy, if u ask me, that a public housing is selling at such an exorbitant price. Things are seriously getting out of hand with these blood sucking property developers milking the commoners. N the best thing is there are still people buying it, with the project being 100% over-applied.
i went to check it out n see for myself how special can it be
floor plan
the whole project
kitchen is puny
bedroom is only good enuff for a bed n nothing else, not even a make-up table+mirror
toilet is pretty big though
yeah, n they haf the cheek to call this a study room. more like a prison cell. i can't fit my desktop here honestly.
18th June, Saturday
Stone's little birthday celebration n gathering at Holland V Wala Wala. Live band is not my cuppa tea. I was half deaf after staying there for 2hrs.
live band
the girls
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