Recently there's a new internet sensation surfacing in the online world. He's a 16yr old boy from Sydney Australia. What did he do? Watch the video below..
So what's your take on this? Did Casey Heynes do wrong or did he do right?
Let's look at this issue from 2 point of views.
Right: He taught the bully a lesson, n perhaps every other bullies too; victims will not remain as victims forever. Bullies will get such consequences one fine day, when their victims snap. Casey did.
Wrong: Now that Casey is being hailed as a HERO, can u believe what's gonna happen if everyone take him as an example n start body slamming fellow sch mates if they're not happy? That bully was really lucky Casey didn't slam him onto the ground head first, or he would haf already died, aged 12.
I was once a kid, n i was also subjected to school bullies during my early years. Yes, it sucks, but it wasn't that extreme until i snap like Casey did. N i haf to say that school bullies are not easily handled, even for teachers. In my opinion, sometimes extreme measures may be needed, to scare the shit out of those bullies so that they'll stop their antics.
Lucky my bullying stopped after i left primary school. N if u ask me how did i handle those shits? I excel in my academics(that's why i go to school), turn around n laugh at them how stupid they are, n they really are. Hit on their confidence hard, n they'll think twice before touching u. End of story.
on a funny side, check out an edited version of the video
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