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Monday, November 30, 2009 A perfect man is difficult to find Five years ago and just before I entered college, my mother gave me the most important advice of my life: five criteria for selecting my future boyfriend. No 1: He should be perfectly healthy and none of his family members should have suffered from serious health problems. No 2: He should be more educated than me. No 3: He should be at least 10 cm taller than me. No 4: He should have a better financial background than me. No 5: He should have single eyelids. My mother's advice became mission impossible in my college life simply because in an art school with a male to female ratio of 4:7, finding a man was tricky but a man who met her five criteria was unattainable. Five years later, as a professional lady armed with a master's degree, I find it even harder to fulfill my mother's dream. To make matters worse, she had a sixth point: "he should have a better job and be better paid than you". While I understand my mother's good intentions, I cannot understand why in our society so many women look for superior men? My single girlfriends often complain there are fewer available men on the market. They don't seek millionaires, but they reject anyone who is less "qualified" than them. Modern Chinese women tell the world that they are men's equals. While they want to be treated the same as men in education and employment, when it comes to relationships, they seek out unbalanced situations. Perhaps there is a part of every woman that loves the romantic notion of being swept off her feet by a charming gentleman. But I'd still like to remind all women to stop chasing after superior men. We have fought hard to get equality and we no longer need to be saved. http://www.divaasia.com/article/6279 ========================================================= I LOLed after reading an article like this. Perfect man? If u've found one, lemme noe, i oso wanna see how a perfect man looks like. But I have one thing to tell the girls out there in search for the "perfect man". See below . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
My apologies if u feel offended Curve 8520 ![]() Sunday, November 29, 2009 C.R.Y II After the last post, I was really wondering when was the last time my tears dropped. Well, managed to recall on a certain night back in late March or early April, I cried at her gate after sending her back. Guess that's probably the last time. And my Smallville is taking a mid-season break after only 9 episodes. I was like anticipating it this weekend, but only found out that the next episode is on 5th February. 2 freaking months w/o Smallville, n I can only survive on Top Gear n the break/stop/break/stop Ghost Whisperer. With no Smallville this week, I re-watched a few episodes of the past seasons. N with that, I recalled a few more times I teared watching Smallville, no thanks to the Clark n Lana love story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1TfKEH9XQE This was the final episode of season 7, aired on 15th May 2008. Lana left Clark after leaving him a video tape. I think my heart broke along with Clark's after watching the tape. After this, the next time I cried was probably November 2008, when my uncle passed away. The 1st time ever I cried at a funeral. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5XuZyCXLKQ This was the 14th episode of season 8, aired on 5th February 2009. This time, Lana leaves Clark for good. I know this is the last I will see such a scene, n it really felt painful having to watch someone u luv leave u cos u both can nv be together again. She's absorbed enormous amount of Krytonite into her body n that made Clark not being able to go close to her. It juz showed how far a person wud go juz to touch n feel the person u luv, even if it means almost killing urself. The power of love. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyicbP87adc Lana mentioned abt the cemetery scene WAAAAAAAAY back in the 1st episode of Smallville in October 2001. This was wad happened 8yrs ago when everything started... Friday, November 27, 2009 Wednesday, November 25, 2009 ~Free~ It feels like holiday, yet not so holiday. My paper is slightly more than a week ahead n i'm still too lazy to start studying. Watching my frens sitting for their papers n getting done with the whole exam thing makes me jealous. Why is my fuggin paper on the last day man.. Pics below are of wad i've done for the past 2 weeks when i was free wif nothing to do 17th Nov, Tuesday Went Dian Xiao Er @ Tampines 1 to try out their food during lunch The decor of the restaurant is very china got chinese wine inside anot? -- red lantern -- view these ancient chinese doors are very nice.. -- Food~!! roasted meat sharks' fin mini abalone white pomfret.. this one was nice.. mango yoghurt for dessert try it, it's not bad.. 19th Nov, Thurs Mac bfast in sch 7am in the morning after not sleeping the previous nite due to a report due -- -- my new red hot car!! i wish nv sleep whole nite still look so happy HL, rushing an assignment due 12pm, but still had time to do online shopping bespectacled WY it was a nice blue skyed morning.... by lunch time after the submission, HL was dying.. cannot online shop liao.. den i had my project meeting to finalise everything a 8MC project module dat got all of us exhausted ![]() me n the rest of my group mates.. nice bunch of ppl to work wif~ 21st Nov, Saturday went Suntec in evening to check out the Singtel fair.. samsung digital photoframe WY was interested in the B7320 not very crowded i miss torres....... he haven't played a match for Liverpool since 3 weeks ago.. -- -- log cakes -- -- relaxing at starbucks after a sinful KFC dinner she bought rum n raisin chocs... omg....... favourite.. from Royce i watched Liverpool VS Man City Go Go Go!! while she "studied" with her phone 11,45pm @ Suntec she loves the christmas tree -- I wanted to carry the tree home.. 24th Nov, last nite WY drove her Latio to airport for some mudpie.. nice comfy, very civilised car -- i luv the ceiling in T3 Menu Daniel joined us -- shack face thanks to exams WTF u want? he's a happy man with food i'm a happy man wif frens -- -- 3 of us dan's dunno wad coffee WY's shepherd's pie our shared mudpie end of supper sho early... more ceiling toilet break b4 we parted ways ![]() |