Mission Accomplished
PHEW~!! Finally, the whole painting work is done!! 2 weeks of hard work finally paid off when I see how beautiful my house has become with a new coat of paint. It was really tough, n especially tough when u’re doing it alone. Thank god I have my sis to help me out in painting her room, or else it’s gonna take ages for me to finish it with all the moving of furniture n stuff.
I sort of did the spring cleaning too when I was moving all the furniture away from the walls. The dust collection was amazing to say the least. My house looked like a pig sty for the 2 whole weeks. Furniture everywhere, dust particles everywhere, it was chaotic. It was as if I was sleeping at a worksite for 2 weeks.
Haha… It’s great that now all the things are done. What’s left to do is the clearing of the junk in my house, all those unwanted stuff n then tidy up things. Next Sunday will be the Lunar Chinese New year. I can’t wait man.
Mum made pineapple tarts ystd. I helped her out while waiting for the paint to dry. It’s not really done yet cos there’s still the dough part. It was kinda fun n I improvised a more efficient way in chopping up the pineapples into pulp form. Mum was impressed. Heh, actually, I juz made use of technology. Instead of chopping the fruit using a pathetic kitchen chopper, I cut it into smaller pieces n grind it using the grinder. What my mum did for 5 minutes, I did it within a few seconds using the grinder. Hehe…100% productivity. Now I shall wait for my mum to start making the dough n bake the tarts n I can enjoy them!
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