Had a scare this morning when I saw the papers. The Straits Times Index tumbled 66.08 points to close at 2218.13 ystd. That’s a massive 2.9%! All seemed so well the day before, the drop was a shock. It’s the biggest drop in a single day since May 17 last year when the index dropped 3.1%. Lucky the index today rose 8.75 points instead of dropping even further. Sad news, the wife of the Malaysian PM Abdullah Badawi, died after battling with cancer for nearly 4yrs, she’s 64. From the reports in the papers, I could see that she’s a supportive n caring wife. They’ve been married for 39yrs n she left behind a daughter n son with 4 grandchildren. Hai.. Life is so fragile.
There’s no sun today. The sky is so gloomy the whole day, even now when I’m typing away. The chilly breeze wouldn’t stop blowing into my room. Guess I’ll have a natural air-con to sleep with tonight. Brrr…
Never really do anything today. Physical training in the morning. I played basketball. Come to think of it, I haven’t touched the orange coloured ball for 6months now. The consequences? The ball looked n felt like a stranger to me. I played like shit, can’t even grab the ball properly. Totally lost my touch. During a tussle for the ball with my sergeant, his rough play made me lost my balance n I fell. The impact hurt my left buttock. Haha.. Can’t believe it. In the past, it was only me that make my opponents fall, but now, I’m left with licking my wound. My poor buttock, ouch, there’s still a dull pain whenever I open my stride or sit down.
Medical appointment tmr at NUH. It’s my left knee. It has been weaker after my injury. This sucks. Hope the doctor can find out the root of the problem after a check on it. Hmm.. It’s a long way to NUH from my house. At least I won’t be going alone, or else it will be sooo boring…
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