Wah, today went out with mum, saw damn lots of 12yr olds. Is the PSLE(Primary School Leaving Examination) over? Not very sure tho, nobody in my family is primary 6. Today is the death anniversary of my paternal grandpa. Gotta go to Bishan Evergreen Hill to offer him some joss sticks n incense paper as his bone ash is being kept there. It a long trip from my Tampines home. Worst still, I have to wake up so early after only sleeping at 2am last night.
A lot of changes since I last visited Evergreen Hill. The 2 new temples that were still under construction I last time I went there were completed. They’re really beautiful. I think the architect(s) of the new temples are very special people. It’s not easy to design temples to look traditional, n yet not old fashion.
In actual fact, I had never seen my paternal grandpa. He passed away before I was born. My dad said that he’s a good father who really took good care of the family. Hai, such a regret I never got to see him. N ya, my mum saw Lynn Poh’s mum. Haha.. What a coincidence. She’s my mum’s mahjong friend, came to my house a few times, but I never got to see Lynn Poh.
Stayed around for an hour or so before leaving for Bishan Junction 8. Walked around the shopping mall. It was filled with those small little kids. Sheesh, noises everywhere.
Eh, I have to book in soon. Can’t wait to book out again on Thursday. Till then, bye~!
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