Didn’t blog ystd, was running a temperature after coming back home from Mt. Faber. I was too sick to run, so I juz went there to make up numbers. Had wanted to see a doc to get a mc but was too lazy. The terrain on the mountain wasn’t an easy one to run on. Quite a few people fell due to the steep slopes. It was a short run, I think even shorter than 4km as the actual run ended within 20min.
I came home only to find out that my body temperature was measuring 38.2 degree Celsius. Must have been the erratic weather. The sun was scorching when I leave house but it was raining like cats n dogs when I got home. Not surprising la. My body has the knack of turning flu into fever very easily, so it was kind of expected. So I took my medication n slept early last night. I’m feeling much better now.
I dunno if I did the right thing. I was meant to go all the way to number 10, but I decided to stop at number 6. It’s a tough decision to make, but I know sometimes in life u have to bite the bullet. Many things changed 174 days after we broke up. I see some good things n some bad things that are happening to her right now. As usual, tears acted as the backdrop of our conversation on the void deck. I really wish she can come back to me again in the end. However, on seeing what she had done in the 174 days I wasn’t with her, I started to freak out. All of a sudden, I’m so afraid of her that I dunno if I can still accept her as my gf again. Fine, u can say I have no balls, but I hate getting my heart shattered again.
Sometimes I wonder why things can’t be much simpler. I dunno if I should end this chapter of my life. I still love her, I can still feel the sparks n my heart raced when I see her, but what she’s doing is freaking me out.
Hai, juz take a step at a time la. Hope her blood test is dengue negative.
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