Time flies, today is the 101st day. Hmm, spent the day in NUS, practically went all the faculties. Attended one lecture with Ying. It was Chemistry, my god; it was never my strong subject. I had a hard time fully understanding what the PRC lecturer was talking about. It lasted for close to 2hrs. Surprisingly, I didn’t fall asleep. Haha.. On a whole, NUS look good la. Went to visit my senior, Darius, at his hall. Nice environment. I can foresee myself studying in the small room, cozy with my laptop.
Nice place, but the cost factor is bugging. It’s definitely not cheap staying in a NUS hall. I would rather buy a car, the monthly installment seems more worth it. Even saw my BMT mate. He’s in medicine school. Ah well, good life, no need to serve NS. Heh, chatted for an hour or so about campus life with him.
I dunno how I’ll cope next year. Uncertainties surround me. Hall or not? Hai, how I wish someone can help me make this decision.
Sent Ying home n my day ended. Great experience, overwhelmed in fact. I’m so lucky to haf got into NUS. I promise myself to study even harder when school starts.
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